beCause Global Consulting provides a range of services including strategic action plans, leadership development, organizational change management and executive coaching.

beCause is led by Nadine B. Hack, known internationally for pioneering engagement leadership work using our proprietary framework called Strategic Relational Engagement.

Creating connectedness is at our core. beCause helps individuals and organizations connect to their core purpose, connect across silos in their organizations, and connect with external stakeholders, friendly and even adversarial, all based on building and sustaining trust.

View Nadine’s TEDx Adversaries to Allies. See shortlist Responsible CEO of Year video.

Co-create a scope of work in response to clients’ needs… more

Leaders from Nelson Mandela to Fortune 500 executives… more

Across every sector and virtually all regions of the world… more

Collaboratively, providing vision, leadership and support … more

Read our recent blog posts.

Hope is praying for rain; faith is bringing an umbrella

During a year of profound grief and set-backs, we also had much joy. We celebrated the marriage of our... more


It’s less than two weeks since the U.S. election and we’re still coping with the gut punch of the... more

Hope with Generations XYZ

Guest post by Pete Miller, a retired executive from the aerospace and defense industry, who’s created several volunteer networks... more

Read Nadine’s Huffington Post articles outlining the benefits of our proprietary framework for strategic relational engagement.

Engagement Leadership and Enhanced Relationships: Fundamental to Sustaining Effective Business

Improving Stakeholder Engagement Increases Productivity, Profit and Sustainability

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watch Nadine’s TEDx now
book Nadine as a speaker

Visualize the big picture, break it into concrete action steps, achieve your goals
Connect to your purpose, connect to others, connect to success