Mandela comp 91 Dunfey Hack Sowetoby beCause CEO Nadine Hack – When Jerry & I visited Madiba at his Soweto home soon after his release from prison. We were privileged to work with Oliver & Adelaide Tambo, Albertina Sisulu, Albie Sachs and other leaders of ANC Executive Committee while Mandela was in prison. Please write tributes to Mandela in comments below!

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  • Sherry Roth December 6, 2013, 3:58 pm

    We mourn the loss of Nelson Mandela and remember the gifts he left the world.

  • Davida Fischer Nitka December 6, 2013, 4:27 pm

    I celebrate Nelson Mandela’s life – the world is a better place because of him. We should all strive to make a difference, no matter what walls we may come up against. Rest in Peace!

  • Kathleen Gick December 6, 2013, 4:34 pm

    Nelson Mandela showed us how to really live. The world will be less without him.

  • Kona Goulet December 6, 2013, 5:49 pm

    Nelson Mandela’s life and example is a profound inspiration and his legacy lives on around the world in our hearts and minds. He was our lifetime’s living legend. May he rest in peace.

  • Hans Lak December 6, 2013, 6:08 pm

    Nelson Mandela is the most respected person in history the way he managed to transform South Africa and forgive everyone who has been responsible for his treatment in prison is incredible! I don’t think that many people can transform Hate into Love! Your TED TALK is a must watch for all the CHANGEMAKERS who see Nelson Mandela as the most inspirational person ever! The Nobel Peace Price ? He is the one who deserved it more than anyone else in the world! RIP Mandela thank you Nadine for making a Difference! We will never forget Mandela that’s for sure and he will live in the hearts of future generations!
    Yesterday many people asked who will follow up? Nadine you are the woman who will help shape the next Mandela! People who come to this thread via Google Search should know…
    Nadine defies the conception that seemingly opposite ideas can’t work together by revealing the power of your humanity. A master bridge-builder, who has worked with Nelson Mandela and other leaders from all sectors, Nadine Hack has turned adversaries into allies throughout the world.
    ONE PERSON CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Nelson Mandela is the biggest GAMECHANGE in history! Apartheid has been terrible for him and his people…but still he managed to transform the Country in a way nobody else could have done this…. HATE=LOVE! Amazing!

    • Frank Dehnhard December 16, 2013, 4:13 pm

      What Mandela did for human rights has to be done in so many other areas.
      A handful of greedy, selfish people convince a part of the public and politicians to believe lies. Those work against us – against the public, against democracy in so many ways:
      We need many Mandelas – fighting for the environment, for peace, for health, for education, for human and animal rights, …
      WE have to teach the next generation to become a MANDELA !
      WE have to teach them that there is another way. A way to a bright, peaceful future, a future of abundance for all.

  • Madelon Evers December 6, 2013, 6:41 pm

    One of the great teachers in my life. Teaching us how to lead, how to love, how to learn. How be free, always. RIP.

  • Linda Fisher Thornton December 6, 2013, 7:15 pm

    We are grateful for the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela, who had such a far-reaching vision of a better world, and who brought that vision to life.

  • Angela G. Foster December 6, 2013, 9:01 pm

    The world has lost a truly remarkable, inspiring, courageous, change- invoking individual. I dare to say that there will never be another like him. I had the privilege of seeing and hearing him, as I was one of the many throngs of well-wishers and supporters at one of his stops in the United States following his release from prison. Even though I had to look at the jumbotron to truly see him, it was electrifying to be there and to be in his presence! You knew you were witnessing and experiencing history. We can all honor and commemorate his life by trying our best to emulate him. Amandla!

  • Marie-Claire Pierroz December 6, 2013, 9:48 pm

    Light, peace, harmony, simplicity, authenticity and love.
    Let’s recognize, honor, learn and practice the teaching walked by Nelson Mandela, a guide for humanity.

  • Roger Koplenig December 6, 2013, 11:12 pm

    I think Nelson Mandela’s greatest achievement was having “coached” the people of South-Africa in direction of consciousness and more self-esteem, and he did that in speaches without teaching hatred. The poor and the weak went mentally strong and at least respected. There have only been very few people who were able to “mobilize” the masses for the good in that dimension. His passing is a loss for the world, but his teachings will remain forever. Rest in Peace, Nelson Mandela!

  • Judith Schraemli December 6, 2013, 11:47 pm

    I remeber seeing the videos of police shooting at the South African demonstrators in Soweto. Like the Civil rights workers in Mississppi, I remember the many American ‘s who insisted we divest from South Africa. I remember studying the history of the Boers and the British, the various African family Tribal units, Most of all I remember realizing that we lived in apartied here in America also .But we did not need pass books to say we were black. I remember feeling empty. Then alive full of hope and energy. We have witnessed the impossible become possible, over and over . Mandela was freed from jail, His spirit was never imprisoned. Then the walls came down and aparthied ended. Now we must work to build on this amazing foundation of truth , justice. Its not a color thing. Its a character, integrity thing. God Blessed Madiba God Bless us all.

  • James Nauffray December 7, 2013, 11:27 am

    Nelson Mandela IS not only the man who transformed an injured nation to a Rainbow nation, he IS the man who raises rainbow as the flag of a new heart driven consciousness. Nelson Mandela IS.

  • Bob Hoyt December 7, 2013, 12:33 pm

    Nelson was a man who was imprisoned for his beliefs and when he took power as President of South Africa could have ruled by hate but being the great man he was ruled with grace and dignity. He should be an example for politicians around the world. .

  • faheem December 8, 2013, 12:56 pm

    A true Statesman, Leader and above all Human Being.

  • Delores Randall December 9, 2013, 5:30 am

    G A S P ——>…/27-years-r-p-nelson…/ —>

  • Angela Shaw December 10, 2013, 11:13 pm

    As I watched the Soweto memorial service for Mandela today in Toulouse on the BBC, I was texting with a 33 year old South African friend, whom I visited with in Sept. at her lovely home near Pretoria. (While her husband received training at Airbus, she had been my neighbor here in Toulouse, for a little over a years time) I sent this text “This is what I wrote on Karel’s page:”Today belongs to your son, Esaiah. Today has been captured by the worlds’ media, his two Presidents:Pohamba and Obama eulogizing the great President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela!! (Esaiah is my two year old grandson) Esaiah will be the Chimamande Aidichie by blood: an African in America as well as an American in Africa. He can be proud of the presidents of both of his countries: Namibia and the United States.” My South African friend, Ntaando wrote me back: “This has been the saddest and greatest week of my life!!! I’m glad I lived to see this but it hurts so so bad..because of him, I can do, be anything I want… I am a proud black woman. I walk tall, with pride and dignity. Only possible because her fought. Today we are because of him. I thank God that he loaned us his angel for 95 years. There will never be anyone like him…when he came out of prison in 1990, I was 10 years old. I was there. And I went to welcome him.My mother beat me so hard, only because I was a child who didn’t know what she was doing. Only today it makes sense. And I’m grateful I was there.”

  • Sen. Rodney Ellis December 16, 2013, 5:40 pm

    I recently arrived in South Africa to pay my final respects to one of history’s greatest leaders and freedom fighters, Nelson Mandela. A man of iconic strength, grace, and generosity, Mandela will once again unite the world as thousands upon thousands gather to remember his time with us.

    Texas joins the rest of the world in mourning the loss of Nelson Mandela, one of history’s bravest leaders. His sacrifice and courage in the face of unspeakable hardship demonstrated the extent to which some must fight for their freedom. We must honor his legacy as we continue the struggle to improve all peoples’ lives. My thoughts and prayers are with the Mandela family.


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