2022: a year filled with sorrow and joy, losses and celebrations, tragedies and triumphs. We shared grief at the horrific toll of a pandemic, wars, environmental degradation. I was deeply honored to receive Catalyst for Change Award by Shirley Chisholm Cultural Institute that inspires me to keep on keepin on…

Jerry and I keep promoting social causes in the long relay race for a more just world. I welcome your ideas on how to create mutually supportive connections at a time of growing inequity. Do you have projects that you’d like to promote? See what I’ve written in Forbes Councils and other places.
Amidst our sorrow at a broken world, we celebrated the marriages of our two eldest grandchildren. Braedon married Lexi. McKayla married Nolan.
I’m writing a book, “The Power of Connectedness” with a foreword by Desmond Tutu. I hope its lessons will inspire connecting in a time of deep division; offering light in the dark. My company beCause Global Consulting helps people and organizations connect with their core purpose & each other. Its sister nonnprofit Global Citizens Circle convenes diverse, intergenerational, cross-sectoral dialogue to find sustainable solutions and create constructive change. For its 50th anniversary, please consider donating to ensure that future dialogues will always be free to everyone everywhere. Donate now.

Talmud teaches, “Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.” So, let us each do whatever we can wherever we can. Until we next connect in person or online, warmest wishes for a brighter 2023, – Nadine